SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 Expanding LEaRnERS • Draw a picture of a house with its different rooms. Then ask students to tell you what rooms are next to each other: La cocina está al lado del comedor . • Then expand the activity with two new phrases to express where something is located: está a la izquierda de (del, de la), está a la derecha de (del, de la) . You may also add the words arriba and abajo . 108 ciento ocho DESAFÍO 2 Expresar lugar Gramática Remember these contractions: a + el = al El coquí está al lado de la flor. de + el = del El coquí está encima del libro. Comparación. What contractions are there in English? Are they optional or not? La construcción estar en • To say where things are, use the verb estar followed by words that express place. El coquí está en el jardín . • The preposition en expresses location. It is equivalent to the English words at , in , on, and inside . El coquí está en la sala. El coquí está en la estantería. Adverbios y expresiones de lugar • Many other words and phrases are used to show location. ¿Dónde están los coquíes? aquí al lado de la flor cerca de la flor lejos de la flor ahí encima de la flor debajo de la flor allí a la izquierda de la flor a la derecha de la flor detrás de la flor delante de la flor 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 134 27/12/10 15 200 Presentation . In this section, students learn the words and expressions used to express the location of people and things using the verb estar . . Students should be able to ask where something or someone is, and answer using adverbs of place or prepositional phrases indicating where something or someone is in relation to something or someone else. . Students learn about the tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico. Gramática – Expresar lugar DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . In order to compare the furniture in a hotel with what one finds in a house, ask students to write two headings: En un hotel and En una casa . . Students write four sentences in Spanish, two affirmative and two negative, under each heading using the words and expressions from the previous lesson. For example: En un hotel no hay un lavaplatos. Preparation . In preparation for this grammar lesson on locations, ask students to recall what questions were asked in the fotonovela when Tim and Mack where looking for coquíes . Remind them that Mack asked ¿Dónde están los coquíes? . Write the question on the board and have students look up the answers. . Then write the answer on the board: ¡Hay un coquí en la estantería! ¡Está encima de los libros! Teaching Suggestions  Developing leARneRS • For more practice listening and writing using the vocabulary for parts of a house and furniture, do a dictation activity in class. • Ask students to write the numbers 1–5 on a piece of paper in preparation for a dictation of five sentences in Spanish. • At the end, have students switch papers with a partner, then write the correct answers on the board so that students can verify their partner’s answers. Then ask students to return the sheets to the original writers. expAnDing leARneRS • Draw a picture of a house with its different r oms. Then ask students to tell you what r oms are nex to each other: La cocina está a lado del comedor . • Then expand the activity with two new phrases to expre s where something is located: está a la izquierda de (del, de la), está a la derecha de (del, de la) . You may also a d the words a riba and abajo . 1 8 Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources Gramática 3.1, 4.1 43. 4.1 44. 1.1 45. 1.3 46. 1.3, 5.1 47. Conexiones 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 Tu desafío 3.1, 3.2 108 cient ocho ESAFÍ 2 Expresar lugar Gra ática Remember these contractions: a + el = al El coquí está a lado de la flor. de + el = del El coquí está encima de libro. Comparación. What contractions are there in English? Are they optional or not? La constru ción estar en • To say where things are, use the verb estar followed by words that expre s place. El coquí está en el jardín . • The prepos tion en expre ses location. It is equivalen to the English words at , in , on, and inside . El coquí está en la sala. El coquí está en la estantería. Adverbios y expresiones de lugar • Many other words and phrases are used to show location. ¿Dónde están los coquíes? aquí a lado de la flor cerca de la flor lejos de la flor ahí encima de la flor debajo de la flor allí a la izquierda de la flor a la derecha de la flor detrás de la flor delante de la flor 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 134 27/12/10 56