SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
2011 9 Activities 44. Divide the class into pairs and ask each student to alternate between asking questions and giving a response. 45. Go over the photo with the class and ask if there are questions about the vocabulary. 47. For this activity, students may need to consult an encyclopedia, or search for information online. Gramática – Expresar lugar DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 HERiTagE LangUagE LEaRnERS • Spanish speakers and students often wonder what the difference is between allá and allí . Explain that they both mean “over there” and either word can be used. Ask students to think of three situations in which they would use the words allá or allí . TOTaL pHYSiCaL RESpOnSE (TpR) • Have students get in groups of four and write sentences with al lado de using their classmates and the vocabulary. For example: Carlos está al lado de Mary. • Ask one person from each group to read aloud the group's sentences while students try to rearrange themselves into the locations which they hear: Carlos está al lado de Mary. (Carlos would then move next to Mary.) El Yunque El Yunque National Forest is located on the eastern end of the island of Puerto Rico. It is commonly known as only El Yunque , a Spanish approximation of the Taino word yu-ke , which experts think means “white lands.” To Spaniards, however, the lightning storms that occur there reminded them of the sound of a giant hammer hitting an anvil ( yunque in Spanish). CONEXIONES: CIENCIAS 43. English has many contractions such as it’s , isn’t (is not) , doesn’t , didn’t , wasn’t and won’t . They are optional as opposed to Spanish, where they are mandatory. 44. 1. El gato está a la izquierda de la silla. 2. El gato está debajo de la silla. 3. El gato está encima de la silla. 4. El gato está detrás de la silla. 45. Answers will vary. 46. Answers will vary. 47. Some animals one might find in a tropical forest are insects and tropical birds. They need warm temperatures. Answer Key Additional Resources Fans Online activities Practice Workbook 7 ciento nueve 109 ¿Qué hay y dónde está? Escribe. Choose five things you see in this photo and write sentences indicating where each one is. Use the verb estar . Modelo El televisor está lejos del sofá. ¿Dónde está ahora? Escribe. Say where these things are right now. Be very specific. Modelo mi CD favorito Mi CD favorito está en mi cuarto, encima de mi mesita de noche. 1. mi libro favorito 3. mi cómoda 5. mi mesita de noche 7. mis cuadernos 2. mi cama 4. mi armario 6. mis lápices 8. mis bolígrafos El Yunque En el nordeste (northeast) de Puerto Rico está El Yunque, el único bosque (forest) tropical en los parques nacionales de los Estados Unidos. Allí viven muchos coquíes y muchos animales y plantas diferentes. Piensa. What kinds of animals might you find in a tropical rainforest? What conditions do they need to survive? TU DESAFÍO Visit the website to view the flora and fauna in El Yunque. ¿Dónde está el gato? Habla. Ask a partner where the cat is in each picture. Modelo A. ¿Dónde está el gato en el dibujo 1? B. El gato está a la izquierda de la silla. 1 2 3 4 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 135 27/12/10 15:27 HeRiTAge lAngUAge leARneRS • Spanish speakers and students often wonder wha the difference is betw en allá and allí . Explain tha they both mean “over there” and either word can be used. Ask students to think of thr e situations in which they would use the words allá or allí . :27 ciento nueve 109 ¿Qué hay y dónde está? Escribe. Ch ose five things you s e in this photo and write sentences indicating where each one is. Use the verb estar . Modelo El t levisor está lejos del sofá. ¿Dónde está ahora? Escribe. Say where these things are right now. Be very spec fic. Modelo mi CD favorito Mi CD favorito está en mi cuarto, encima de mi mesita de noche. 1. mi libro favorito 3. mi cómoda 5. mi mesita de noche 7. mis cuadernos 2. mi cama 4. mi armario 6. mis lápices 8. mis bolígrafos El q e En el nordeste (northeast) de Puerto Rico está El Yunque, el único bosque (forest) tropical en los parques nacionales de los Estados Unidos. Allí viven muchos coquíes y muchos animales y plantas diferentes. Piensa. What kinds of animals might you find in a tropical rainforest? What cond tions do they n ed to sur ive? TU DESAFÍO Visi the website to view the flora and fauna in El Yunque. ¿Dónde está el gato? Habla. Ask a partner where the cat is in each picture. Modelo A. ¿Dónd está el gato en el dibujo 1? B. El gato está a la izquierda de la silla. 1 2 3 4 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 135 27/12/10 15:27 Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 57
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