SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 expAnDing leARneRS • In order to facilitate a better understanding of the defensive purpose of El Morro and its design, point out the picture of the garita or fortified observation tower. • Ask students to devise some theories as to the purpose of the observation posts and the reasons for its design. What were soldiers looking out for? Why were guards in an enclosed tower? • Stimulate a discussion about the photo of El Morro and the purpose of its design. 136 ciento treinta y seis El castillo de San Felipe del Morro Puerto Rico, 22 de enero de 2010 Mi nombre es Ricky, tengo 16 años y soy de Puerto Rico. Mi lugar favorito en San Juan es el castillo de San Felipe del Morro . El Morro es uno de los fuertes más antiguos de América. Es un castillo del siglo XVI . Los españoles hacen el castillo para defender la ciudad de los ataques por mar. Dentro del Morro hay un laberinto de túneles, pasajes y rampas y unas torres llamadas garitas. ¡Tienes que visitar el castillo! ¡Imagina el fuego de los cañones y el asalto de los piratas! Además, desde El Morro hay unas vistas fantásticas. Hoy El Morro da la bienvenida a los barcos que entran en la bahía de San Juan y ofrece a sus visitantes casi 500 años de historia. El Mor o Blog de viajes REAding StRAtEgy Key concept synthesis As you go through a reading, look for clues that will help you identify key concepts. Key concepts are the most important ideas that you would talk about when explaining a text to someone who has not read it. Clues that may help you identify key concepts are the title, the illustrations, words that stand out because of their color or the thickness of the line (bold type), the topic sentence in each paragraph, summary statements, and the conclusions. Vista aérea del Morro. Garita. LECTURA 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 162 27/12/10 o d v a e 228 Presentation . In this section, students will learn to identify key concepts while scanning a reading in Spanish in order to optimize their understanding of the text. . The strategy of identifying key concepts can be combined with the Unit 1 reading strategy (identifying cognates) in order to pre-read a text with better focus and clarity. . Students read about one of the most visited historical sites in Puerto Rico: El Morro . Construction on this fort began in 1539, and in 1983 it was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. Students learn about its history and architecture. Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . Students scan the reading for cognates. They write a list of six words. Some possible answers include favorito, castillo, defender, ataques, túneles, and rampas . Teaching Suggestions Developing leARneRS • In order to review words to express location using the verb estar , have students ask each other where each part of the fort is located in relation to the others. expAnDing leARneRS • In order to fac litate a better understanding of the defensive purpose of El Mo ro and its design, point ou the picture of the garita or fortified observation tower. • Ask students to devise some theories as to the purpose of the observation posts and the reasons for its design. What were soldiers l oking out for? Why were guards in an enclosed tower? • Stimulate a discu sion abou the photo of El Mo ro and the purpose of its design. 136 Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources Lectura 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 101. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1 102. 1.2 103. 1.3, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 Tu desafío 1.2, 3.1, 5.2 El Morro LECTURA Unit 2 136 ciento treinta y seis El casti lo de San Felipe del o ro Puerto Rico, 2 d enero de 2010 Mi nombr es Ricky, tengo 16 años y soy de Puerto Rico. Mi lugar favorito en San Juan es el castillo de San Felipe del Mo ro . El Mo ro es uno de los fuertes más antiguos de América. Es un castillo del siglo XVI . Los españoles hacen el castillo para defender la ciudad de los ataques por mar. Dentro del Mo ro hay un laberinto de túneles, pasajes y rampas y unas to res llamadas garitas. ¡Tienes que visitar el castillo! ¡Imagina el fuego de los cañones y el asalto de los piratas! Además, desde El Mo ro hay unas vistas fantásticas. Hoy El Mo ro da la bienvenida a los barcos qu entran en la bahía de San Juan y ofrece a sus visitantes casi 5 0 años de historia. l i j s REAding StRAtEgy Key concept synthesis As you go through a reading, l ok for clues that will help you identify key concepts. Key concepts are the most important ideas that you would talk about when explaining a tex to someone who has not read it. Clues that may help you identify key concepts are the itle, the illustrations, words that stand out because of their color or the thickne s of the line (bold type), the topic sentence in each paragraph, su mary statements, and the conclusions. Vist aérea del Morro. Garita. LE T A 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 162 27/12/10 l i j Cultural Topics . El Morro. There are many forts similar to El Morro throughout the Caribbean, but the width of the walls and the height of the building (six levels) makes El Morro one of the most impressive examples of this type of construction from the Age of Exploration. For this reason it was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1983. Because students may not be familiar with World Heritage Sites, ask them to look up other such sites online. Have them brainstorm the types of qualities one might find in a World Heritage Site. 66
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