SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
229137 Preparation . Before reading this passage, point out the Reading Strategy feature to the class. Ask what strategies they have previously learned and review the concept of familiar words, or cognates. . Discuss the new strategy and review what key concepts are. Point to the headings and titles on the page and explain to students that they will read a blog by a 16-year-old Puerto Rican named Ricky. . Go over the illustrations and photos. What do they tell us about the reading? . Read the passage in class and ask volunteers to point out the key concepts. Activities 101. Have students read the whole passage first before completing this activity. Then they should copy the chart headings on a piece of paper and put the model as their first entry. 102. This true-or-false activity encourages students to look for details in the text. HeRiTAge lAngUAge leARneRS • Explain to the class that similar Spanish fortifications of the 17th and 18th centuries can be found in Cuba, St. Augustine (Florida), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Veracruz and Acapulco (Mexico), Portobello and Panama City (Panama). These fortifications proved to be effective most of the time. • Ask groups of students to come up with the main reasons for building strong fortifications along the Caribbean. • If time allows, ask groups to research and give a brief presentation on these forts. How do they compare with El Morro ? SpeCiAl-neeDS leARneRS • Visual aids are useful to most students because they help support other means of retaining new information and making connections with the ideas presented in a reading. • Encourage students to complete the task assigned in Tu desafío and create posters with photos that illustrate El Morro and other similar forts. • You can ask the class to help generate a list of websites that have good resources for this project. 101. Answers will vary. 102. Ciertas: 2, 3. 103. Answers will vary. Answer Key Additional Resources Fans Online activities El Morro LECTURA Unit 2 5:29 ciento treinta y siete 137 coMPREnSión ¿Qué sabes sobre El Morro? Elige. Read the sentences and say which ones are true (ciertas) . 1. El Morro es el fuerte más antiguo del Nuevo Mundo. 2. El Morro está en la bahía de San Juan. 3. El Morro es un edificio defensivo. 4. En Puerto Rico hay piratas. Un monumento histórico Escribe. Write a short text describing a famous historic monument. Include these points: • Cuál es su nombre. • Dónde está. • Cómo es. • Qué cosas hay. EStRAtEgiA Sintetizar los conceptos clave Conceptos clave Lee, habla y escribe. Read the blog, and discuss El Morro. Then use the most important ideas in the text to complete this table. Use the column on the left for the important concepts from the reading and the one on the right to note connections with other parts of the text. TU DESAFÍO Earn points for your own challenge! Visit the website to learn more about El Morro . Fuerte de San Jerónimo (San Juan). Key concepts Supporting details in the text 1. El Morro es un fuerte muy antiguo. 1. El Morro tiene casi 500 años de historia. 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 163 27/12/10 15:29 HeRiTAge lAngUAge leARneRS • Explain to the cla s that similar Spanish fortifications of the 17th and 18th centuries can be found in Cuba, St. Augustine (Florida), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Veracruz and Acapulco (Mexico), Portobello and Panama City (Panama). These fortifications proved to be effective most of the time. • Ask groups of students to come up with the main reasons for building strong fortifications along the Cari bean. • If time allows, ask groups to research and give a brief presentation on these forts. How do they compare with El Mo ro ? 15:29 ciento treinta y si te 137 coMPREnSión ¿Qué sabes sobre El Mo ro? Elige. Read the sentences and say which ones are true (ciertas) . 1. El Mo ro es el fuerte más antiguo del Nuevo Mundo. 2. El Mo ro está en la bahía de San Juan. 3. El Mo ro es un ed ficio defensivo. 4. En Puerto Rico hay piratas. Un monumento histórico Escribe. Write a shor text describing a famous historic monument. Include these points: • Cuál e su nombre. • Dónd está. • Cómo es. • Qué cosas hay. EStRAtEgiA Sintetizar los conceptos clave Conceptos clave L e, habla y escribe. Read the blog, and discu s El Morro. Then use the most important ideas in the tex to complete this table. Use the column on the left for the important concepts from the reading and the one on the righ to note co nections with other parts of the text. TU DESAFÍO Earn points for your own challenge! Visi the website to learn more about El Morro . Fuerte de San Jerónimo (San Juan). Key concepts Su porting details in the text 1. El Mo ro es un fuerte muy antiguo. 1. El Mo ro tiene casi 5 0 años de historia. 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 163 27/12/10 15:29 Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 67
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