SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 Expanding LEaRnERS • Review question words related to the vocabulary learned in this unit. Then ask students to work in pairs using the list to ask a partner questions. A. ¿Dónde leemos una revista? B. En la sala o en el dormitorio. REPASO Vocabulario 138 ciento treinta y ocho Actividades de ocio cuidar a la mascota to take care of a pet escuchar música to listen to music escribir un correo to write an e-mail electrónico hablar por teléfono to talk on the phone leer una revista to read a magazine usar la computadora to use the computer ver la televisión to watch TV tener ganas de to feel like Muebles y objetos de la casa En el dormitorio el armario closet la cama bed la cómoda dresser la mesita de noche nightstand En la sala la estantería bookcase la mesa table la silla chair el sofá sofa el televisor television set En el baño la bañera bathtub la ducha shower el inodoro toilet el lavabo sink En la cocina la estufa stove el lavaplatos dishwasher el microondas microwave oven el refrigerador refrigerator Las tareas domésticas barrer el suelo to sweep the floor cortar el césped to cut the grass lavar los platos to wash the dishes limpiar el baño to clean the bathroom ordenar la casa to straighten up the house pasar la aspiradora to vacuum pasear al perro to walk the dog sacar la basura to take the trash out sacudir los muebles to dust the furniture Acciones habituales en la casa abrir la ventana to open the window apagar la luz to turn the light off prender la luz to turn the light on La vivienda El edificio el apartamento apartment el ascensor elevator la escalera stairs el garaje garage el jardín yard la planta baja ground floor el primer piso first floor La casa el baño bathroom la cocina kitchen el comedor dining room el dormitorio bedroom la sala living room El cuarto la pared wall la puerta door el suelo floor el techo ceiling la ventana window 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 164 27/12/10 15: 230 Presentation . In this section, students will review the vocabulary presented in Unit 2—the words and expressions related to housing, living spaces, and furniture. . In addition to new nouns, students will go over the new verbs or actions related to household chores and leisure-time activities. . Activities are organized by Desafío to help reference the section of the unit where the material is presented. Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . Students now have two sets of vocabulary lists they should know: the vocabulary from Unit 1 about descriptions and greetings, and that from Unit 2 about houses and household chores. . Using the verbs ser, tener, and estar , have the class write six sentences: three with descriptions of someone in their family, and three with descriptions of their house or apartment. Preparation . Play a lightning round of vocabulary recognition with items in the classroom, photos, or other images of the vocabulary. . Students can call out answers or write them down. If written, have students exchange papers to check for spelling and article agreement. This can help them develop an eye for proofreading their own Spanish as well. Activities 2. Before assigning this activity, review the words and expressions to tell location. 4. To prepare students for this activity, have some volunteers tell the infinitive that corresponds to the action in each picture. Teaching Suggestions  Developing leARneRS • Help students review the vocabulary to talk about chores by having them write a sentence with each verb associated with a noun that logically matches the tarea doméstica . For example, we can associate barrer el piso with la sala to write Mi tía no barre la sala . expAnDing leARneRS • Review question words related to the vocabulary learned in this unit. Then ask students to work in pairs using the list to ask a partner questions. A. ¿Dónd leemos una revista? B. En la s la o en el dormit rio. 1 8 Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources 1. 1.2 2. 1.2, 1.3 3. 1.2 4. 1.3 Vocabulario REPASO Unit 2 REPASO Vocabulario 138 cien o treinta y ocho Act vidades de ocio cuid r la mascota o take care of a pet es uchar música to listen to music escribir un correo to write an e-mail lectrónico hablar por teléf no o talk on the phone leer una revista to read a m gazine usar la computadora to use the computer ver la t levisión to watch TV t ner g nas de to feel like Muebles y objetos de la casa En el dormit rio el armario closet l cama bed la cómoda dresser la mesita de noche nightstand En la s la la estantería bookcase la mesa table la silla chair el sofá sofa el t levisor t levision set En el baño la bañera ba htub la ducha shower el in d ro toilet el l vabo sink En la ocina la estufa stove el l vaplatos dishwasher el microondas microwave oven el refrigerador efrigerator Las tareas domésticas bar r el suelo to sweep the floor cortar el césped to cut the grass l var los platos to was the dishes limpiar el baño to clean the bathroom ordenar l c sa to straighten up the house p sar l aspiradora to vacuum pase r al perro to walk the dog s car la basura o take the trash out sacudir los muebles to dust the furniture Acciones habituales en la c sa abrir la vent na t open the window p gar a luz o turn the light off prender a luz o turn the light on La vienda El edificio el p rtamento partment el ascensor levator la escalera stairs el g raje g rage el jardín yard la planta b ja ground floor el primer piso first floor La c sa el baño bathroom la ocina kitchen el comedor di ing room el dormit rio bedroom l s la living room El cuarto la pared wall la puerta door el suelo floor el techo ceiling la vent na window 00347 _ 0112-0169.indd 164 27 2/10 68