SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 234 Presentation . In this project, students will prepare a reenactment of the Ponce de León family’s daily household tasks using the Casa Blanca museum as their set. . Students will follow a series of small steps that, when put together, produce a script that pushes the level of Spanish in the class to new heights. La Casa Blanca Preparation . Because the Proyecto is a group effort, students need to follow the instructions closely. Students should take into consideration each step of the presentation one at a time. . In order to avoid making errors with false cognates and sentence structure, advise students to refer to the Repaso de vocabulario and Repaso de gramática to check their Spanish. Step-by-Step Instructions . Read the introduction with the class. Ask students to identify the key elements of the project from the instructions. Then follow these steps: Paso 1 . Each student should do some research individually before pooling their information with their group. . Divide each question for analysis with the class. Students need to decide how they will find the information for each part. Paso 2 . Divide the class into small groups. The results in this step depend in part on how well students have completed Paso 1 , so the group should evaluate their materials and decide if more research is needed. Teaching Suggestions 142 Rubric for Evaluation Activities Standards Resources Paso 1 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 Paso 2 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2 Paso 3 1.2, 1.3 Paso 4 1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 5.2 PROYECTO Unit 2 Content Organization Presentation 1 point Limited relevance. Information is incomplete or not based on research. Little Spanish is used. Inefficient use of class time. Information is disorganized or unclear. Communication is unclear. Many errors in vocabulary and grammar. 3 points Basic information is correct. Relevant information but lacks significance. Spanish is used most of the time. Class time is used well. Information and content are mostly organized but lack some clarity. Good communication. Mostly correct vocabulary and grammar. PROYECTO Una visita guiada por la Casa Blanca The directors of the Casa Blanca museum want to create a living exhibit of the Ponce de León family home. A tour guide will lead visitors through the Casa Blanca describing each part of the house and gardens. In each part, visitors will meet costumed actors representing the Ponce de León family. The actors will answer visitors’ questions and explain what the family normally does there. Your project involves writing the guide’s commentary and a bank of questions and answers to prepare the actors for their role. PASo 1 Investiga sobre la Casa Blanca • Get information about this famous house. For example: – Where is the museum located? – What areas and rooms does it have? • Search for photos of the house and its surroundings. • Research clothing typical of the period so you can provide some appropriate articles of clothing for the actors. El explorador Juan Ponce de León. En el jardín hay muchas fuentes. Un dormitorio. Interior de la Casa Blanca. 142 ciento cuarenta y dos 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 168 27/12/10 Content Organization Presentation 1 point Limited relevance. Information is incomplete or not based on research. Lit le Spanish is used. Inefficient use of clas time. Information is disorganized or unclear. Com unication is unclear. Many er ors in vocabulary and gram ar. 3 points Basic information is cor ect. Relevant information but lacks significance. Spanish is used most of the time. Clas time is used well. Information and content are mostly organized but lack some clarity. Go d com unication. Mostly cor ect vocabulary and gram ar. P YE T Una visita guiada por l l The directors of the Casa Blanca museum want o create a living exhibit of the Ponce de León family home. A tour guide will ead visitors through the Casa Blanca describing each part of the house and gardens. In each part, visitors will me t costumed actors representing the Ponce de León family. The actors will answer visitors’ questions and explain what he family normally does there. Your project involves writ ng the guide’s com entary and a bank of questions and answers to prepare the actors for their ole. PASo 1 Investiga sobre la Casa Blanca • Get information about his famous house. For example: – Where is the museum located? – What areas and ro ms does it have? • Search for photos of the house and its surroundings. • Research clothing typical of the period so you can provide some ap ropriate articles of clothing for the actors. El explorador Juan Ponce de León. En el jardín hay muchas fuentes. Un dormitorio. Interior de la Casa Blanca. 142 ciento cuarenta y dos 30 347 _ 01 2-0169.indd 168 27/12/10 15 72
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