SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Content Organization Presentation 5 points Relevant, interesting information. Many details, and significance is highlighted. Spanish is used exclusively. Class time is used wisely. Information and content are clearly organized visually and logically. Clear communication. Correct and complete vocabulary and grammar. :30 • Prepare the questions that tourists will probably want to ask the actors. Write the answers, too! Modelo A. ¿Preparan ustedes el desayuno aquí? B. Sí. Preparamos el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena. También barremos el suelo y lavamos los platos. PASo 3 Comprueba y evalúa • Check your work: – Is the cultural information clear and correct? – Are the texts correct and complete? • Proofread your work carefully. PASo 4 Ensaya tu guión y actúa • Practice your scripts: take turns being the guide, the actors, and the tourists. • If possible, prepare costumes and simple props. PASo 2 Prepara el material para el guía y los actores • Prepare a script for the guide. Remember to include information for each place visited on your tour. For example, identify each place and describe it. Modelo Ahora estamos en la cocina. La estufa es grande. Autoevaluación ¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad? Do these activities to evaluate how well you can manage in Spanish. a. Can you identify and describe places? Describe your house, a room, or some furniture. b. Can you say where people or things are? Talk about your kitchen: say where the appliances are. Ask a friend to describe his or her room and to draw a floor plan of it. c. Can you talk about household chores? Say what chores you and your siblings have to do, and how often you do them. d. Can you talk about your free-time activities? Ask two classmates what they do at home on the weekend. La cocina de la Casa Blanca. Evaluate your skills. For each activity, say Very well, Well, or I need more practice. ciento cuarenta y tres 143 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 169 27/12/10 15:30 235143 La Casa Blanca Paso 3 . Have one student in the group check the vocabulary and agreements, a second verify the verbs and conjugations, a third approve the flow of ideas and organization of the script, and a fourth check that the finished script complies with every step required in the instructions and rubric for the project. Paso 4 . Now the groups should be ready to practice their scripts. Allow ample time for students to practice. Evaluation . Discuss the rubric before beginning the project. Encourage students to refer to the rubric as they prepare their projects. Content . Explain the importance of good data collection ( Paso 1 ). Students should select information that is interesting and relevant. To develop research skills, ask students to provide quotes in correct format and to include a list of sources, especially if they need to go back to them for more research. Organization . Let students decide what information to include, and then reflect on the length of their written script and the time in oral performance. Decide whether you want to evaluate the project individually or in groups. Presentation . Students should use as much Spanish as possible. They should check grammar and vocabulary (Paso 3) before completing the project. . Rehearsals should enable them to present confidently and fluently, as well as guarantee a good grade. Encourage creativity and a style that holds their classmates’ attention. PROYECTO Unit 2 Content Organization Presentation 5 points Relevant, interesting information. Many details, and significance is highlighted. Spanish is used exclusively. Clas time is used wisely. Information and content are clearly organized visually and logically. Clear com unication. Cor ect and complete vocabulary and gram ar. 0 • Prepare the questions that ourists will probably want o ask the actors. Write the answers, to ! Modelo A. ¿Preparan ustedes el desayuno aquí? B. Sí. Preparamos el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena. También bar emos el suelo y lavamos los platos. PASo 3 Comprueba y evalúa • Check your work: – Is the cultural information clear and correct? – Are the texts correct and complete? • Pro fread your work carefully. PASo 4 Ensaya tu guión y actúa • Practice your scripts: take turns being the guide, the actors, and the tourists. • If pos ible, prepare costumes and simple props. PASo 2 Prepara el material para el guía y los actores • Prepare a script for the guide. Remember to include information for each place visited on your tour. For example, identify each place and describe it. Modelo Ahora estamos en la cocina. La estufa es grande. toevaluació ¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad? Do these activit es to evaluate how well you can manage in Spanish. a. Can you identify and escribe places? Describe your house, a ro m, or some furniture. b. Can you say where people or things are? Talk about your kitchen: say where the ap liances are. Ask a friend to describe his or her o m and to draw a flo r plan of it. c. Can you talk about household chores? Say what chores you and your siblings have to do, and how often you do them. d. Can you talk about your fre -time activit es? Ask two clas mates what they do at home on the we kend. Unidad 2 La cocina de la Casa Blanca. Evaluate your skills. For each activity, say Very well, Well, or I ne d more practice. ciento cuarenta y tres 143 30 347 _ 01 2-0169.indd 169 27/12/10 15:30 Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 73
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