Page 67 - Español Santillana Level 3 Unit 1 Teacher's Edition 2012

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Un personaje interesante
Step-by-Step Instructions
Students will generate ideas and plan and
organize their text. Have them use their
Independent Starters to assist them in deciding
on a character to write about. Ask students
to review the vocabulary. A good command of
descriptive adjectives will help them in choosing
precise and vivid words. Explain that the reader
should be able to get a clear mental image of the
Students will write their first draft following the
web they created in
. Emphasize that they
should show the character instead of just telling
about him or her. The details should bring the
character to life and the reader should be able
to draw his or her own conclusions about the
Have students read their completed first draft
aloud to themselves to see how it flows. Then
ask them to make the necessary corrections and
changes before they exchange it with a classmate.
Have students read their partner’s text through
before they mark anything. Then ask them to
read the text again, looking at the content and
organization. After this first evaluation, have
students read the text one more time, looking for
spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, and
usage errors.
Explain that text-relevant illustrations have
powerful effects on comprehension and
appreciation of the text. Good illustrations and
a fluid presentation will greatly enhance a well-
written text.
Distribute copies of the rubric to students and
discuss the evaluation criteria. Ask students to
refer to the rubric as they prepare their projects
and as they evaluate their classmates’ texts.
Intercambia tu texto con tu compañero(a).
Analiza el texto de tu compañero(a):
– ¿Qué opinas de esa descripción? ¿Es una descripción clara y ordenada?
¿Se utilizan los adjetivos necesarios para describir al personaje?
Anota los cambios que creas que hay que hacer para mejorar el texto.
– ¿Cómo está escrito el texto? ¿Las oraciones están bien construidas?
¿Las palabras son correctas y están bien escritas? Subraya las palabras
o las frases que crees que hay que corregir.
Devuelve el texto a su autor(a) con tus sugerencias y analiza las
sugerencias que él / ella te propone para mejorar tu texto.
Corrige tu texto para que la descripción sea interesante y correcta.
Reescribe tu texto con buena letra, incorporando todas las correcciones.
Dibuja una ilustración para acompañar tu texto. Incluye colores
y un escenario que ayuden a comprender la idea general que
quieres transmitir.
Presenta tu texto a la clase. ¡Buena suerte!
Utilizando la red de ideas, escribe
el bosquejo del personaje. Escribe
por lo menos tres párrafos: uno
para cada tema de la red. Recuerda que
debes dar detalles significativos
para que el lector cree su propia
idea del personaje y no olvides
usar las Expresiones útiles para
dar más fluidez
al texto.
Expresiones útiles
Al principio…/ Primero…
At first…
De niño(a)…
As a child…
cincuenta y nueve 59
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22/03/12 15:35
5 points Relevant and significant
details bring character
to life. Precise and vivid
word choices. Main idea
stands out.
Distinct focus and clear
order. Effective use of
transitions and logical
flow of ideas.
Few, if any, errors in
spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and usage.
Excellent command of
the Spanish language.