SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018

T21 Reading Reading materials build competency for reading in Spanish. Each reading is linked to a comprehension strategy. The readings work with different types of texts. The reading materials present an opportunity to practice the given vocabulary and grammatical structures, while improving students’ ability to interpret new vocabulary and grammatical structures from specific contexts. The use of numerous cognates makes the context more understandable and helps students to increase their vocabulary. The readings present an outstanding aspect of the culture of a country and relate it to a type of text. The diverse selection of texts strengthens reading comprehension while suggesting models for language production. Each unit focuses on a specific reading strategy: identifying cognates, identifying key concepts, visualizing images from the text, formulating assumptions and questions, and so on. Applying these strategies, students develop their ability to read and understand Spanish texts. ● Teotihuacan ● The fortress of San Felipe del Morro ● The market of Chichicastenango ● The festival of Inti Raymi ● The Picasso painting Guernica ● Hispanic Heritage Month ● La vuelta al mundo… by Ricardo Mariño ● Oda a la manzana by Pablo Neruda An informative text. A travel blog. A letter. A travel brochure. An art catalog. An invitation to a cultural festival. A short story. A poem. Theme Type of Text 192 cientonoventaydos Desde Chichicastenango REaDing StRatEgy Visualizing images from text Creating pictures in your mind as you read will improve your comprehension and canmake reading more enjoyable. Visualizingwill also help you connectwhat you are reading towhat you know andwill help you summarize the text. Chichicastenango, 10 de enero de2010 Hola,Nicole.¿Cómo estás? Yo estoymuy contenta. ¡Me gustamuchoGuatemala! Te escribo desdeChichicastenango,una ciudadpequeñaa 145kilómetros de la capital.“Chichi” esparte de la regiónmayaymuchasmujeres llevan vestidos tradicionalesmayas con coloresy bordados 1 muy lindos. Este es el vestido de lasmujeres: EnChichicastenangohayunmercadomuyfamoso. ¡Es comoun centro comercial enorme!Haymuchosproductos deartesanía indígena. Amíme gustan lasmáscarasy los textiles. La culturamaya es realmente fascinante. Lapróxima vez 2 podemos visitarGuatemala juntas 3 . Hastapronto.Besos. Beth 1. embroidery 2. Next time 3. together 1. tun o cinta. Representa una serpiente. 3. Cinturón bordado. 2. Huipil. Es una blusa tradicional de algodón con bordados. 4. Corte. Es una falda larga y estrecha. LECTURA 300347_0170-0225.indd 218 27/12/10 15:38 cientonoventay tres 193 CompREnSión ¿Está claro? Decide. Decidewhether each of the statements is true (cierto) or false (falso) . 1. Chichicastenangoesuna ciudadpequeña. 2. ElmercadodeChichicastenango es enorme. 3. En elmercadodeChichicastenangonohayartesanía indígena. 4. ABethno le gustan losvestidos tradicionalesde lasmujeresmayas. Los trajes tradicionales mayas Elige y escribe. Which of the following are typical of a traditionalMayan costume? Make a list. 1. faldaestrechaycorta 4. sombrerocon formadeserpiente 7. faldaestrechay larga 2. cinturónnegro 5. falda largayancha 8. blusade lanablanca 3. cintaparaelpelo 6. blusadealgodón conbordados 9. cinturón conbordados EStRatEgia Visualizar imágenes del texto Tus imágenes Dibuja. Which pictures came into yourmind as you read Desde Chichicastenango ? Draw or sketch themost vivid ones. Then compare your pictureswith your partner’s. Escribe y habla. Choose the pictures you relate to the text and point out the sentences or ideas in the text that they refer to. Are these pictures similar to your own images? Explain your answer. TU DESAFÍO Watch the video aboutChichicastenango and describe themarket in a letter to a friend. 1 2 3 4 300347_0170-0225.indd 219 27/12/10 15:38 i Rea ing materials build co etency for rea ing in S anish. Each rea ing is linke to a co rehension strategy. The rea ings work with if erent ty es of texts. The reading materials present an op ortunity to practice the given vocabulary and gram atical structures, while improving students’ abil ty to interpret new vocabulary and gram atical structures from specific contexts. The use of numerous cognates makes the context more understandable and helps students to increase their vocabulary. The readings present an outstanding aspect of the culture of a country and relate it o a type of text. The diverse selection of texts strengthens reading comprehension while sug esting models for language production. Each unit focuses on a specific reading strategy: identifying cognates, identifying key concepts, visualizing images from the text, formulating as umptions and questions, and so on. Ap lying these strategies, students develop their abil ty to read and understand Spanish texts. Unit structure 21