Page 14 - Español Santillana Level 3 Unit 1 Teacher's Edition 2012

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Standards for Learning Spanish
1.1 Interpersonal mode
Exchange personal opinions and experiences.
Engage in oral conversations using personal
knowledge and experience.
Talk about past and present habits.
Compare information with a partner.
Prepare and make an interview.
Role-play an interview.
Ask and answer questions on different topics
Write a message for a social-networking
website with personal knowledge.
Write a dialogue with a partner.
1.2. Interpretive mode
Demonstrate understanding of oral and written
idiomatic expressions.
Demonstrate understanding of questions
relating to familiar and less familiar topics.
Understand and obtain information from audio
or video recordings.
Understand written exchanges.
Extract information from a biography.
Identify main ideas and significant details from
a traditional legend orally and in writing.
Draw conclusions and make judgments from
oral and written texts.
Interpret texts on topics of other cultures
and relate them to personal knowledge and
1.3. Presentational mode
Dramatize a situation.
Produce and present an original creation orally.
Describe people with detail.
Write a descriptive and informative paragraph
about a painting.
Narrate past events.
Write a summary of a narrative text.
Write a descriptive paragraph comparing
or summarizing information.
Compose a comic strip.
Compose an original legend.
Write a character sketch.
2.1. Practices and perspectives
Discover some cultural stereotypes about the
family in Hispanic culture and compare them
with stereotypes in students’ own culture.
Read about some family celebrations
in Hispanic countries and compare them
with familiar celebrations in the United States.
2.2. Products and perspectives
Read about some Hispanic comic strips
and strip cartoonists.
Reflect on the influence of comic strips in society
and explore their connection to the “real world.”
Read about some fictitious characters
in Hispanic culture in order to understand
cultural stereotypes.
Compare fictitious characters in Hispanic
culture and in students’ own culture.
Learn about important Hispanic paintings
and artists.
Read about traditional Hispanic legends
and understand their cultural importance.
Read about and research relevant Hispanic
4.1. Compare languages
Compare the uses of the
Spanish verbs
with the English verb
to be
Compare the formation
and the uses of past
progressive in English
and in Spanish.
Compare possessives
in English and in Spanish.
Compare the uses of past
tenses in English and
in Spanish.
Compare expressions
to talk about the past
in English and in Spanish.
4.2. Compare cultures
Compare stereotypes about
the family in Hispanic
culture and in the culture
of the United States.
Compare family
celebrations in Hispanic
countries and in the United
5.1. Spanish within and
beyond the school setting
Describe a work of art.
Promote a positive attitude
toward other cultures.
5.2. Spanish for lifelong
Learn the writing process.
Encourage the love of art.
Contribute to the positive
valuation of traditional
Unit 1
¿Cómo eres?
3.1. Interdisciplinary connections
Understand the similarities and differences
between some aspects of grammar in English
and in Spanish.
Learn about renowned Hispanic paintings
and painters.
Explore traditional Hispanic legends.
Learn about relevant Hispanic writers.
Create a comic strip.
Write a character sketch.
3.2. Viewpoints through language/culture
Read comic strips in Spanish.
Read a traditional legend in Spanish.