Differentiated instruction
14 catorce
Our characters are trying to demonstrate that they, too, are true
Fans del español
What will they have to do? What will their tasks be? The clue is in a message
recorded by Andy and Tess, two former
Fans del español
. This is what Andy
and Tess say in the message:
Personajes famosos
Las tareas
Andy: Hola, amigos, ¡bienvenidos a Fans del español! Ya saben quién soy,
¿verdad? Sí, soy Andy, y estoy aquí con Tess para guiarlos por el emocionante
mundo del español.
Tess: Hola. Yo soy Tess y estoy encantada de participar en esta nueva
aventura del español. ¡Ustedes van a aprender y a divertirse mucho! Estas
son las tareas que deben realizar. ¡Tomen nota!
Andy: Seguro que les interesa mucho el tema de las personas y la familia,
¿no es cierto? Pues van a investigar sobre él.
Tess: Y van a completar unas tareas, claro.
Andy: Primero, van a familiarizarse con unos personajes muy particulares
de la cultura hispana… ¡para escribir una tira cómica!
Tess: Después, van a investigar sobre familias y cuadros famosos.
Y van a elaborar una audioguía para la página web de su escuela.
Andy: Y, por último, van a entrar en el fascinante mundo de las leyendas
Tess: Y deben inventar una leyenda.
Andy: Les deseamos mucha suerte y esperamos que lo pasen muy bien.
¡Hasta pronto!
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22/03/12 15:30
In this section, the three pairs listen to a
message recorded by Andy and Tess, former
participants in
Fans del español
, who describe
the challenges that lie ahead. Students will
preview useful expressions for organizing a text,
giving instructions, expressing likes and personal
interests, asking for confirmation, and expressing
hopes and wishes.
Standards Resources
1.2, 2.1, 2.2,
3.1, 5.1
Vis. Pres.
1.1, 1.2, 2.1,
2.2, 3.1
1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Warm-Up/ Independent Starter
Have students list, in a three-column chart, all
of the expressions they know in Spanish for
organizing a text (i.e., sequence words), giving
instructions, and expressing likes and personal
interests. For example:
tener que
Acquaint or reacquaint students with Andy and
Tess. Explain that Andy is from Atlanta, GA, and
that he used to travel with his older sister, Janet.
Tess is from San Antonio, TX, and she used to
travel with her mother, Patricia.
Invite volunteers to share their Independent
Starters. Discuss the uses of the expressions
students mention. Then ask students to read
through the text on this page and classify,
in the same chart, the expressions they find
for organizing a text, giving instructions, and
expressing likes and personal interests.
You may want to review the construction
ir a
infinitive as another way to indicate the future.
Ask students to point out this use in the text.
Teaching Suggestions
Have students answer the following questions
about Andy and Tess’s message. Then have
them use the answers to summarize what
was written. Finally, have students read their
summaries to a partner.
¿Quiénes asignan las tareas?
¿Cuáles son las tres tareas que les asignan
a las tres parejas?
¿Cómo van a prepararse para las tareas?
¿Qué les desean Andy y Tess a los
Have students write a response to Andy and
Tess. They must:
– Introduce themselves to Andy and Tess,
including a physical description of
– Tell how they feel about the challenges
in this unit and how they think each
participant pair will fare.
– Conclude their response with a bit of
personal knowledge on each of the
Once students have finished with their
responses, ask volunteers to read their
responses to the class.
Las tareas