Page 72 - Español Santillana Level 3 Unit 1 Teacher's Edition 2012

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Rubric for Evaluation
1 point
Limited relevance.
Information is
incomplete or not
focused. Little Spanish
is used.
Inefficient use of
time. Descriptions are
disorganized, unclear,
and difficult to follow.
Unclear communication,
not fluent. Many errors
in vocabulary and
3 points Relevant and focused
information, but some
of it lacks significance.
Spanish is used most of
the time.
Time is used well.
Descriptions are mostly
organized but lack some
clarity. Relatively easy to
Clear communication,
mostly fluent. Mostly
correct vocabulary and
Fotos de tu vida
In this section, students will apply the vocabulary,
grammar, and cultural information they have
learned in this unit to create a photo album of the
most important moments in their lives.
Standards Resources
Paso 1
1.1, 5.1, 5.2
Paso 2
1.2, 1.3, 5.1
Paso 3
1.1, 1.2, 3.1
Paso 4
1.1, 3.1, 5.1,
Paso 5
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
Warm-Up/ Independent Starter
Have students read the introduction to the project
silently. Then ask them to think about important
moments in their life and reasons for their
Invite volunteer students to share their
Independent Starters. Then discuss as a class
the events we tend to perceive as important or life
changing. Are there common elements in some of
these events (e.g., they relate to family or religion,
they are rites of passage)? Are there differences
in the kinds of events different cultures consider
important? You may want to mention that events
that have to do with the cycle of life (e.g., birth,
adulthood, death) are important for most cultures.
Then ask students to think about the role of
photography. Why would we want to capture and
keep images of these events?
Step-by-Step Instructions
Paso 1
Assign this step as homework the day before.
You may also have the class discussion that is
suggested in the Preparation section in advance
to get students thinking about the events and
pictures they will include in their album. If there
are students who do not have photos or whose
Teaching Suggestions
64 sesenta y cuatro
Un álbum de
fotos de tu vida
In this project you will create a photo album. Your album will show photos of the most
important moments of your life, describe the family members pictured, and tell anecdotes
about the people and events pictured.
Elige las fotos más importantes de tu vida
Busca fotos de los eventos más importantes para ti y tu familia: nacimientos, bautizos,
cumpleaños, bodas, vacaciones, celebraciones familiares, días de fiesta, etc.
Elige las diez fotos más especiales para ti.
Describe las imágenes
Escribe una descripción para cada una de las fotos. Incluye la siguiente información:
– ¿Quiénes son las personas de la foto?
– ¿Qué están haciendo?
– ¿Qué relación familiar tienen?
– ¿Cómo se sentían?
– ¿Por qué es especial esa foto para ti?
En esta foto estoy yo con mi hermana Ana. Era el día de mi
cumpleaños. De pequeño siempre celebrábamos los cumpleaños en
el campo. Mis padres preparaban muchos juegos y lo pasábamos
muy bien. Me acuerdo mucho de esta fiesta porque mis abuelos
maternos me regalaron una bicicleta.
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