Page 73 - Español Santillana Level 3 Unit 1 Teacher's Edition 2012

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5 points Relevant, focused, and
interesting information.
Many details and
significance are
highlighted. Spanish is
used exclusively.
Time is used wisely.
Descriptions are well
organized, clear, and
very easy to follow.
Clear communication.
Fluent delivery. Correct
and complete vocabulary
and grammar.
religious beliefs forbid taking pictures, allow them
to draw or paint images of the events.
Paso 2
Before they begin this step, ask students to
observe each picture and reminisce silently.
Encourage them to jot down, in English, their
memories and feelings as they look at each
picture. Then have students review the vocabulary
and grammar structures studied in this unit.
They should now be prepared to begin writing the
description for each photo.
Paso 3
Suggest that students circle the spelling,
punctuation, and grammar errors they find in their
partner’s text, instead of correcting them. Then
have partners correct their own text.
Paso 4
Emphasize the importance of making their albums
visually appealing and organizing them in a logical
way. Remind students that clear organization
helps audiences understand ideas.
Paso 5
Rehearsals should enable students to present
confidently and fluently. If possible, allow for
rehearsal time.
Distribute copies of the rubric to students.
Discuss the evaluation criteria and explain how
this project will be graded. Encourage students to
refer to the rubric as they prepare their projects.
Ask students to focus their picture descriptions
and stories. They should select information that is
relevant and interesting.
Students may organize their photo presentation
chronologically or by order of event importance for
them, but the organization they choose should be
clear for their audience.
Encourage students to interact with their audience
as they present their albums. Emphasize the
importance of maintaining eye contact with their
listeners as a way of keeping them all interested.
Fotos de tu vida
sesenta y cinco 65
Corrige los textos
Intercambia tus textos con tu compañero(a).
Hazle sugerencias a tu compañero(a) para mejorar
su texto. Fíjate en estas cuestiones:
– Si ha escrito bien todas las palabras.
– Si ha utilizado bien las mayúsculas.
– Si ha puesto bien los signos de puntuación.
– Si hay palabras que se repiten.
– Si el texto se entiende con claridad.
¿Te gustaría saber más cosas sobre algunas de las
fotos? Pregunta a tu compañero(a) y completen los
Diseña tu álbum de fotos
Organiza las fotos.
Decide cómo quieres hacer tu álbum. Puedes hacerlo
en papel, en una cartulina o hacer una presentación
con la computadora.
¡Usa tu imaginación y sé creativo!
Presenta tu álbum
Enseña tus fotos a tus compañeros(as) y
descríbelas. Usa los textos que escribiste,
pero intenta no leerlos.
Contesta las preguntas de tus compañeros(as).
Mira las presentaciones de tus compañeros(as) y anota
los aspectos que más te gustan de cada uno de los
álbumes. Decide cuál es el mejor álbum y di por qué.
¿Qué aprendiste
en esta unidad?
Do these activities to evaluate how well
you can manage in Spanish.
Can you describe people?
Describe your favorite television or
movie character. Include physical and
personality characteristics.
Compare your description with one
of your classmates’. Which character
do you think is better? Why?
Can you talk about family
relationships and past actions?
Describe your extended family.
What are the relationships between
With a classmate, tell a real or
imaginary story about something that
happened to one of your family
Can you narrate and describe past
Imagine that you are a famous writer
that needs to write his/her biography
for an important magazine. Write a
paragraph telling your personal history.
Talk with a partner about activities
you used to do when you were younger.
How long has it been since you did
these pastimes?
¿Cuántos años cumplías?
¿Se hicieron daño cuando
cayeron al río?
Evalúa tus habilidades.
Para cada punto
di Muy bien, Bien o
Necesito practicar más.
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