Dual-Language and
Spanish Language Arts
“For the past 10 years, Santillana USA
has been an integral part in making Dual
Language programs in the region a success.
The authenticity of the Spanish material
provides classrooms not only with exposure
to an enriched vocabulary but it brings
culturally relevant topics that students
from all over the world can connect with
personally. As a consultant that works with
districts implementing bilingual programs,
I have seenfirsthandhowmuch the students
love reading books independently from
the children’s collection and how much
teachers enjoy having a variety of Spanish
books and poems to enhance classroom
lessons. Thank you for all you do for our
students and the development of their
Spanish language.”
—Myrna Reyna,
M.EDBilingual/ESL Consultant
Region 10 ESCCastle Dale, UT
CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-245-8584