Cover |
1 |
Inside Cover |
2 |
Introduction |
3 |
Products by Grade Level |
4 |
Partnering to Promote Dual-Language Education |
6 |
NEW for 2017-2018 |
7 |
Santillana's eLearning Solutions |
8 |
Technology |
9 |
Spanish as a World Language |
10 |
Descubre el español con Santillana |
12 |
Descubre el español Phonics Kit |
22 |
Español Santillana |
24 |
Leer en español Series |
34 |
Dual-Language and Spanish Language Arts |
36 |
Descubre el español Anthologies |
38 |
Español Yabisí |
42 |
En Español |
46 |
La cartilla |
50 |
A+ Spanish Literacy Kits |
52 |
A+ Spanish Poetry Kits |
53 |
A+ Spanish Science Literacy Kits |
54 |
Science and Social Studies and Informational Text Series |
55 |
Children’s Books and Dictionaries A+ Spanish Literacy Kits |
60 |
A+ Spanish Science Literacy Kits |
62 |
A+ Spanish Literacy Kits |
64 |
A+ Spanish Poetry KitsEach kit |
66 |
Leveled Graphics Readers |
68 |
Children’s Books and Dictionaries Text-Type Focused Literacy Sets |
69 |
Para leerte mejor Series |
69 |
Science and Social Studies Informational Text Series |
70 |
Common Core Text-Type Categorized Sets |
81 |
Informational Libraries |
82 |
Children’s Books and Dictionaries Spanish Leveled Libraries |
83 |
Guided Reading Libraries |
84 |
Accelerated Reader Libraries |
88 |
Children’s Books and Dictionaries Spanish Classroom Libraries |
91 |
Norma Collection |
91 |
Kids’ Favorites Collection |
98 |
Start-Up Libraries |
102 |
Authentic SpanishLiterature Best Sellers |
106 |
Children's Books and Dictionaries Dual Language |
108 |
Fácil de leer/ Easy-to-Read |
108 |
Puertas al sol/Gateways to the Sun |
110 |
Cuentos para celebrar/Stories to Celebrate |
112 |
Cuentos para todo el año/Stories the Year ’Round |
114 |
Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy Libraries |
115 |
Children's Books and Dictionaries eBooks and Dictionaries |
116 |
eBook Sets |
116 |
Dictionaries |
118 |
Children's Books and Dictionaries Price List |
120 |
ELD/Intervention |
144 |
Santillana Spotlight on English |
146 |
Spotlight on English Reader’s Theater |
150 |
Spotlight on English Guided Reading Library |
152 |
Spotlight on Content |
153 |
Professional Development |
154 |
Professional DevelopmentSessions |
156 |
Ordering Information |
160 |
Santillana USA Sales Representatives |
162 |