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Beyond Words


Ask students to examine the illustration on pages 112–113. Tell them to pay close

attention to the features and details they notice. Have them look for characters

in the picture, notice where the characters are, what the characters are doing,

and other details in the picture. Distribute copies of the 4-Column Chart Graphic

Organizer to each student. Draw the chart on the board with the headings

Character, Setting, Situation, and Vocabulary. Have students identify one response

for each column.


Who are the people, or characters, in the picture?


Where are these characters?


What year do you think it is in this picture?


What detail do you notice about the setting?

Have the class brainstorm other ideas about the setting. Remind them to use

details from the picture to determine where and when the setting is. Ask

volunteers to share what they have written in their chart. Write responses in

the chart on the board.

Unit 4

My Community


Spotlight on Reading


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derstanding the elements pertinent to

image that accompany a text can help

students understand and visualize what they

are reading. There are times when the words

on the page are insufficient to convey the

intended meaning efficiently. Visual images

sometimes convey the information that the

words alone cannot. When asking students

to read an image, first have them look at the

entire image for a few minutes on their own.

Then, have them talk about the elements

that they can identify in the image. Other

details in the image can then be identified

and discussed as vocabulary words related to

the text.

In an informational text, the visual

elements on the page are intended to be

instructive. They can be graphs, charts,

photos, illustrations, or diagrams that offer

supplemental, supporting, or clarifying


In a fictional text, the photographs can help

readers to understand the characters, the

setting, and the theme of a story better.

In these cases, the photo or illustration is

also intended to be instructive, but more as

support than as supplemental information.

It can also provide clues as to what might

happen next in the story.

In the Reading an Image sections that follow,

questions are provided that will help you

focus your students’ attention on specific

elements of the images on each spread.



How to Read an Image

Reading an Image

activities are used

throughout the Spotlight on Reading lessons

to help students make connections and help

develop reading comprehension.