Listening and Speaking:
oral presentations with opportunities to defend opinions or
open-ended questions that encourage to expand language and
develop oral narratives
group discussions as a way to focus on robust vocabulary and
concept development
independent/guided reading activities to learn and apply
academic and social vocabulary
guided research and independent work, and opportunities to use
reference materials
comprehension questions that prompt responses in which facts
and details are restated in complete sentences
use of advanced graphic organizers
opportunities to write summaries of stories or content area
opportunites to write multiple paragraphs with consistent
spelling, grammar, and punctuation
become familiar with and develop confidence in every stage of
the writing process
Listening and Speaking:
dual-process activities that include opportunities for listening
comprehension with contextual support and reading
comprehension with audio support
open-ended questions that encourage to describe, restate,
and expand language
Group discussions in response to questions and as a way to focus
on vocabulary and concept development
independent/guided reading activities to practice and attain
concepts through a variety of genres of text
opportunities to recognize, understand, and practice synonyms,
antonyms, and idiomatic expressions
opportunities for research and independent work through the
use of reference materials
comprehension questions that prompt responses in complete
practice and review of comprehension skills, such as retelling,
making inferences, and cause and effect
opportunities to write sentences that are legible and
guided practice in journal writing and writing prompts
opportunities to use and fill out graphic organizers
use of the writing process in culminating activities
In order to ensure student access to high-quality curriculum
and instruction, and in order for students to meet or exceed
state standards in Language Arts and English as a Second
Language or English Language Development,
Spotlight on English
utilizes Universal Access activities
embedded in its lessons in the section
Meeting Individual
. This section addresses the needs of students with
different modalities of learning, reading difficulties, learning
disabilities, or a combination of special instructional needs.
Universal Access strategies included in the
Meeting Individual
activities include suggested interventions for students
in the three groups of Benchmark, Strategic, and Intensive.
There are suggested activities for students who are generally
making good progress toward standards but are experiencing
temporary or minor difficulties (Benchmark), for students
who are slightly below grade-level and may need to have a
concept retaught to them or periodically reviewed (Strategic),
and for students who are below grade-level and are
considered at risk (Intensive).
With the inclusion of Universal Access strategies in the
Meeting Individual Needs
Santillana Spotlight on
provides opportunities for students to be successful
in their study of a second language and make adequate
progress in their studies of language arts and other content
Although not an integral part of the lesson, the Multiple
Intelligences section provides extension activities for those
teachers who might feel that their students will benefit from
them. The Multiple Intelligences section encourages students
to learn in eight different ways: linguistically, logically-
mathematically, spatially, bodily-kinesthetically, musically,
interpersonally, intrapersonally, and naturalistically.