Más lecturas
The Student Book presents additional informational and literary texts, as well
as a literary analysis
(Análisis literario)
and an About the Author
ca del autor)
section with information about the person who wrote the
text and the historical, political, and socioeconomic conditions of the time
period when the text was written.
Examples of
Más lecturas
in Level 10 (par t of the universal Western liter-
ature canon):
• El cantar de los nibelungos (fragmento), Anónimo
*See sample on next page
• La divina comedia (Canto III y Canto XXXI), Dante Alighieri
• Popol Vuh (fragmento), Anónimo
• El Decamerón (fragmento), Giovanni Boccacio
• El paraíso perdido (fragmento), John Milton
• Hamlet (fragmento),William Shakespeare
• Robinson Crusoe (fragmento), Daniel Defoe
• Los miserables (fragmento),Víctor Hugo
• Frankestein o el moderno prometeo (fragmento), Mary Shelley
• El barril del amontillado (fragmento), Edgar Allan Poe
• Papa Goriot (fragmento), Honoré de Balzac
• Madame Bovary (fragmento), Gustave Flauber t
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