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Vocabulary and Comprehension, Communication, and Cultures

Students will:







talk about what they eat and drink in the

present and past tenses.

learn geographic directions (North, South,

East, West).

draw conclusions from a story.

recognize facts and opinions.

learn about the Northern and Southern


identify the names of several professions.

learn what jobs people have in the theater.

summarize a text.

describe some popular celebrations in


appropriately use formal terms of address.

discuss U.S. and Puerto Rican national


identify and describe foods.

discuss new technology in México.

identify and use Mexican idioms.

describe how national holidays are


Vocabulary and Phonics, Communication, and Connections

Students will:







learn and name family members.

introduce family members.

recognize the a vowel sound.

learn to say where they are from.

name and describe buildings and houses in

a city.

recognize the o vowel sound.

practice singular and plural nouns.

learn and name school places.

say what they can find in a library.

recognize the vowels a, e, i, o, u.

identify and name farm animals.

describe farm animals and name their body


recognize the letter m.

name different foods.

say what they like and do not like to eat and


recognize the letter p.

say what the weather is like today.

say what the weather was like yesterday and

what it will be like tomorrow.

recognize the letter t.

say what profession or occupation someone

has and where he or she works.

recognize the letter l.

say what they eat and drink at a birthday


recognize the letter s.

ask another person his or her name.

name some food items.

state likes and dislikes.

count from one to three.

identify games played in school.

compare games played with those played by

Chilean children.

recognize the sounds of l, m, and p in


name different types of pet homes.

read and interpret a pictograph.

recognize the sounds of j and r in Spanish.

use expressions to convey comfort, pain, and


recognize the sounds of b and d in Spanish.

identify the months of the year.

identify the sounds of the letters n and ñ.

describe actions performed by people at

their jobs.

compare the sounds of the letters c and q.

identify the sounds of ch and ll.

discuss what school rules students must


recognize words with the letters ca, co, and


learn how to segment and combine


name the five senses.

describe what the five senses help them do.

learn the prefix des- and the suffix -oso.

describe how things look, smell, feel, taste,

or sound.

learn how to decode words with the prefix

des- and the suffix -mente.

describe relative speed or slowness by using

más rápido que and más lento que.

explain how some electronic devices are


describe some Día de los Muertos traditions

in Guatemala.

learn the pronunciation and use of the

letters r, rr, and q.

learn to pronounce the letters g and j in

Spanish, and when to use each one.

review and practice time order words and


learn words with c, s, and z.

learn to name desserts and their flavors.

learn the pronunciation and use of ll and y

in Spanish.