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Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Using Authentic Literary Texts

and Other Reading Selections

For many years the foreign language profession viewed the

teaching of language and the teaching of literature as two very

separate and distinct activities. At all educational levels the

reading of literary texts was often seen as a task that only very

advanced students could undertake. As a result, the early years

of instruction were generally devoted to learning the language

so that students could study literature in upper-level courses.

Authentic Texts Defined

In the 1970s this separation of language and literature teaching

was challenged as researchers in language acquisition advocated

for the use of authentic texts and materials in the language

classroom. Widdowson pointed out that the language presented

to students does not need to be simplified for easy access.

He further stated that, “Nowadays there are recommendations

that the language presented should be authentic.” Wallace later

defined authentic language as that found in “…real-life texts,

not written for pedagogic purposes.” Soon thereafter, authentic

materials gradually made their way into textbooks in the form of

advertisements, brochures, menus, schedules, and other items

utilized in daily life. However, literature was still not viewed as

suitable material for language learning.

Contemporary View of Literary Texts

Recently, a report from the Modern Language Association called

for an end to the separation of language courses and literature

courses and recommended a curriculum “in which language,

culture, and literature are taught as a continuous whole.” This

contemporary view of the role of literature reinforces the notion

that literary texts can be used to teach language beginning at

the earliest levels. In addition to providing language models

for students, literary selections also provide authentic cultural

information, help critical thinking skills, and emphasize

historical and literary traditions.

Reading Strategies and Activities to Promote


It is now generally accepted that literary and other authentic

texts should not be simplified or modified in order to help

students comprehend them. Rather, students should be

provided with reading strategies and activities prior to reading

the selection. In turn, these strategies and activities will help

students comprehend the authentic material.

Emily Spinelli

Executive Director, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

Professor Emerita of Spanish, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Pre-reading, During-reading, and Post-reading


Generally the strategies, explanations, and activities related to

a reading selection fall into three categories called pre-reading,

during-reading, and post-reading activities, depending on when

they are used in relation to reading the selection. Pre-reading

strategies provide students with reading techniques such as

reading for gist, understanding the genre of the text, or forming

hypotheses about the theme or topic of the text. Pre-reading

activities can involve a presentation or review of vocabulary or

grammar structures used within the literary selection. Vocabulary

activities typically focus on cognate recognition, word families,

prefixes and suffixes and other information designed to assist

students with comprehending individual words. Grammar

activities generally focus on recognition of parts of speech, verb

forms and tenses, and word order. Other pre-reading activities

focus on cultural information that have students compare or

contrast cultural products, practices or perspectives found in

the text with those found in their own cultures. During-reading

activities generally help students focus on the pre-reading

strategies and other information taught or reviewed in the

pre-reading phase. Finally, the post-reading activities focus on

comprehension and ask students to demonstrate what they

learned while reading.

By helping students comprehend authentic texts through the

use of pre-reading strategies and activities, we expand their

language capabilities while strengthening their cross-cultural

and literacy skills.


Bernardo, Sacha Anthony. “The Use of Authentic Materials in the

Teaching of Reading.”

The Reading Matrix

6 (2006): 60–69.

Foreign Languages and Higher Education: New Structures for

a Changed World.

New York: Modern Language Association,


Wallace, Catherine.


. Oxford: Oxford University Press,


Widdowson, Henry G.

Aspects of Language Teaching

. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 1990.

Background and Research