Actividad 1
Imagina que tienes que hacer una presentación oral en tu clase de Español sobre este tema:
Tema de la presentación:
¿Qué fiestas representan la herencia cultural de tu comunidad?
Compara las fiestas que representan la herencia cultural de tu
comunidad con las de una comunidad del mundo hispano que
conozcas. Puedes referirte, en tu presentación, a lo que has
experimentado, aprendido y observado.
Actividad 2
Imagina que tienes que hacer una presentación oral en tu clase de Español sobre este tema:
Tema de la presentación:
¿Cómo afecta el uso de las nuevas tecnologías a la vida de las
personas en tu comunidad?
Compara tus observaciones acerca de las comunidades en
las que has vivido con tus observaciones de alguna región del
mundo hispano que te sea familiar. En tu presentación puedes
referirte a lo que has estudiado, vivido, observado, etc.
Actividad 3
Imagina que tienes que hacer una presentación oral en tu clase de Español sobre este tema:
Tema de la presentación:
¿Qué papel desempeña el arte en tu comunidad?
Compara la presencia que tiene y la importancia que se le da
al arte (arquitectura, pintura, teatro, etc.) en tu comunidad
y en alguna región del mundo hispano que conozcas.
Puedes basarte en lo que has visto y leído o en tus propias
Presentational Speaking:
Cultural Comparison
Strategies: Presentational Speaking
The questions contained in the
are examples that refer to the topic of
Actividad 1
Have students read the estrategias silently. Then,
with a partner, have them come up with a list of
guiding questions for the other two activities.
They can compile their list with that of other
groups before beginning the practice activities.
The task of comparing elements between two
or more cultures can get very complex. Help
students design a graphic organizer with which
they can organize their thoughts. For example,
you may want to have students vary a Venn
diagram in such a way that it can be used to
discuss a series of points. Have students present
their graphic organizers and choose the one that
works best for them.
Rubric for Evaluation
On the AP* Exam, each section is given a score
between 0 (Unacceptable) and 5 (Strong). In
order to earn a score of 5, the student’s oral
presentation should show:
– Content: Student presents and elaborates
on his or her cultural comparison, including
supporting details.
– Organization: Student’s presentation is
organized, with transitions and other language
devices facilitating and complementing the
– Message: Student’s response is fully
understandable, with ease of expression. Few
errors do not impede communication, and
self-correction improves comprehensibility.
– Language: Vocabulary is varied and precise.
Grammatical structures are used correctly.
Simple, compound, and complex sentences
are used appropriately.
– Speech: Pronunciation, rhythm, and pace are
appropriate and contribute to comprehension.
Additional Resources
Español Santillana AP* Preparation Workbook
More Practice
You may find additional sources of cultural
information at the following websites:
www.unesco.org/new/es– Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de América
www.crespial.org– Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural
de Colombia:
www.patrimoniocultural.gov.co– Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural
del Ecuador:
inpc.gob.ec– Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de
The six course themes for the AP* Spanish
Language and Culture Exam provide
excellent ideas for other topics with which
students can practice their Cultural Compari-
son presentations. These themes are: Global
Challenges, Science and Technology,
Contemporary Life, Personal and Public
Identities, Families and Communities, and
Beauty and Aesthetics. The
published by the College Board,
provides additional information about these
themes. You can find this publication online
Book 4 Unit 6