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My Community

Unit 4



Have students use their graphic organizers to compose a first draft of

their writing. Encourage them to skip a line as they write so they can revise more

easily. Students should be encouraged to focus on outlining the facts related to

their issue in the first paragraph. The second paragraph should be about what

students believe about their issue. The third paragraph should be about the other

side of the argument. Students should use facts to explain why the other side

is incorrect. Their editorial should end with a conclusion that summarizes their

opinion. Remind them that, when they revise and rewrite their draft, they should

look carefully at their grammar and mechanics. Allow students to take this draft

home to complete, but remind them to bring it back for the next class.

After students had skimmed and scanned

their project resources, they are ready to

take notes. Say

If you marked the pages

that contained information you considered

appropriate for your research, taking notes

will be a quick process.

To help students organize their research

and plan for the note taking, have them

fill a KWL graphic organizer. You can use

the 3-Column Chart Graphic Organizer

(Blackline Master 4). Tell students to title

the first column What I


now, with all the

facts they already know about their topic in

the first column. Next, have them title the

middle column What I


ant to Know, listing

the facts that they would like to know about.

Finally, tell students to title the last column

What I


earned, filling the column with all

the facts learned from the skimming and


Once they have completed the KWL

graphic organizer, ask them to record the

information found in their resources. Invite

them to use index cards to write each piece

of information. Ask them to title each card

with a brief description of the information,

such as

Performers at the Colonial Theater


Then, have students write the information

found in complete sentences, using

quotation marks around any information

copied word for word. Say

Try to put the

information into your own words as much

as possible, unless it is a direct quote from a

person. List the page number in which the

information appeared and, on the back of

the index card, list the title of the book, the

author, the publisher, the publication year,

the publication city, and the page number

where you found the information.

Finally, have students refer back to their KWL

chart to ensure that they have located all of

the information they wanted to know about

their topic. Once students have their index

cards completed, say

Now you are ready to

construct your research paper!


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Students are encouraged to “

try and do

” as

they apply the




, and

writing skills

presented to their writing.

Research Tips