Vocabular y Review
Ask students to identify the musical instrument families that were on the track
of the song. Ask
Did any of the instruments require a bow? Did any require a
musician to blow into them? Did any require a musician to use his or her fingers?
Have students name the instruments they hear during the song.
Practice Tactics
Have students open their Practice Book to page 56. Read the directions aloud
and have students read along with you. Explain the directions and model the activity.
Then, have students complete the page as independent class work or homework.
Home Connection
Write the Key Vocabulary on the board randomly for students to alphabetize.
Distribute Blackline Masters 2a and 2b. If necessary, review with students
how to fold the sheet to create a booklet. Provide more folded sheets if
necessary. Ask students to complete the first page by writing their names,
date, My Dictionary, and subject area. Have them write the words on the
remaining pages in a column. Next, ask students to use their own words to
write definitions for each word. Have them check their work by looking up
the correct definitions in their dictionaries. Explain that they should read their
definitions to their parents or guardians. Remind them to return their booklets
to school. Retain them for future use.
My Community
Unit 4
Code Writing
Ask students to brainstorm to create a
class code language. The code can consist
of letters, symbols, or pictures, or a
combination. Print a copy of the code key
for each student. Have students write notes
to each other in the class code. Students can
refer to the code key to decode the notes.
Meeting Individual Needs
You may assist students experiencing difficulty comprehending the song lyrics
by replaying the song, line by line, as you read along, enunciating each word.
Multiple Intelligences
Practice Book (page 56)
Santillana Spotlight on English3© SantillanaUSA
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Match the vocabulary words in the right column to their correct deÞnitions in the left
column. Then, write the letter in the space provided.
A synonym of
, or the power to act, speak,
move around, and think without restrictions, as long
as we respect the rights of others.
An expression that may be used to refer to the
whole country.
An alert given for a possibly dangerous situation.
The risk or possibility of suffering harm or getting
To produce or bring about by repeated blows
such as those of a hammer.
A tool with a solid metal head on a handle, used for
driving nails by pounding.
The administration of rules in a fair and reasonable
a. danger
b. justice
c. hammer
d. warning
e. freedom
f. all over this land
g. hammer out
Choose three of the vocabulary items and write three sentences, using one of the
expressions in each.
Answers may vary.
For a more complete and detailed description of
these and other national and state standards as
they relate to this unit of
Spotlight on English
please visit our Web site at
Common Core State Standards
Speaking & Listening
Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3
topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
Come to discussions prepared, having
read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known
about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.
Follow agreed-upon rules for