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Dar consejos

y hacer





Los diminutivos

Dar consejos y hacer


Exposición sobre el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges.

Exposición sobre el escritor argentino

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges is the author of numerous

essays, poems, and short stories. He was a

language perfectionist and a true intellectual.

His writing is complex and reveals knowledge

and erudition. He was one of the founders and

promoters of the literary movement known as


in the 1920s, which advocated for

a language rich in metaphors. However, later

in his life he refused any literary affiliation.

His originality, brilliant thought, and precise

prose made him the recipient of numerous

literary awards.


Picture Discussion


Have students look at the images again and

describe them orally. Then, ask them to use their

Independent Starters to initiate a discussion.

What do they think of the painting? Do they like

the building? Encourage students to express

their opinions.

Diego Rivera.

Sueño de una tarde de domingo

en la Alameda Central



You may wish to talk about the word



which comes from


(poplar), a type of tree.

Point out the fact that the


is often a

promenade where people gather—especially on

Sundays—to go for a stroll. Have them describe

the people in the painting:

¿Quiénes son?

¿Qué representan?

Rafael Moneo. Catedral de Los Ángeles

(Estados Unidos)


Review some vocabulary related to construction

materials and shapes. You may need to preview

words such as

ladrillo, piedra, cemento, metal,

cuadrado, rectangular, redondo

. Ask students

about the use of some buildings:

¿Para qué sirven

las catedrales? ¿Y los ayuntamientos? ¿Qué es un

castillo? ¿Y un palacio?

Exposición sobre el escritor argentino Jorge

Luis Borges


Call students’ attention to the library in the photo.

Explain that libraries had a special meaning for

Borges. Not only did he work as a librarian in

Buenos Aires, but libraries often appear in his

literature as a symbol of life and of the labyrinth-

like nature of knowledge. Then have students

discuss what they understand by an anthology:

¿Qué es una antología? ¿Pueden recomendar

alguna antología a sus compañeros?



By the end of Unit 6, students will be able to

– Describe and compare works of art.

– Express opinions and value judgments.

– Talk about sculpture, architecture, and


– Make recommendations and give advice.

– Talk about prominent figures in the arts,

architecture, and literature of Latin America

and Spain, and familiarize themselves with

important works of art and literature of the

Spanish-speaking world.





Book 4 Unit 6