Unit structure
A careful selection.
Organization by topic or situations.
The Vocabulary
Key vocabulary has been selected, considering
the specifications of organizations dedicated to the
instruction and evaluation of Spanish, including
Instituto Cervantes
and the American Association
of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).
In general, the most commonly used and standard
Spanish terms have been chosen, rather than regional
variants. Whenever possible, words close to their
English counterparts (cognates) have been included.
The basic criteria for the selection of vocabulary were
frequency of use and relevance to students’ everyday
life, interests, and needs.
The vocabulary is organized by topic or by situations related to the theme of the unit.
For example, a unit dedicated to the theme of food includes words relating to foods
and beverages, meals, and food stores.
Comprar comida
Las compras
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comprar / hacer la compra
hacer cola / fila
Level 2, Unit 4. Theme: Food
Desafío 1
: los pescados, los mariscos, el salmón, los camarones, el atún, los cereales, el pan,
la pasta, el arroz, la carne, los frijoles, las lentejas, los guisantes, los lácteos, el queso, la
leche, el yogur, la mantequilla, las frutas, las fresas, las uvas, la sandía, el melón, la piña,
la pera, las verduras, las hortalizas…
Desafío 2
Food containers
: un bote, una lata, una caja, una bolsa, una botella, un paquete.
Actions, measures, and other words related to buying food
: comprar, hacer la compra,
vender, costar, pedir, pensar, hacer cola/fila; un kilo, un litro; la lista de la compra, el precio.
Desafío 3
: el aceite, el vinagre, la sal, la pimienta, el azúcar, la salsa de tomate,
la mayonesa, la mostaza.
Actions in the kitchen
: pelar, cortar, echar, mezclar, batir, cocer, hervir, freír, asar.
Desafío 4
In the restaurant
: el menú del día, de primero, de segundo.
At the table
: el mantel, la servilleta, el cuchillo, el tenedor, el vaso, la cuchara.
Describing foods and beverages
: agrio(a), dulce, picante, salado(a), soso(a), amargo(a),
bueno(a), malo(a), delicioso(a), caliente, frío(a), fresco(a).
Preparing food
: frito(a), asado(a), a la plancha, cocido(a), hervido(a), empanado(a).